Catalogue of offers
Hundreds of benefits adapted to your employees.

The Worksmile cafeteria system provides access to hundreds of non-wage benefits
The Worksmile cafeteria system allows preparing a catalogue of benefits, thanks to which:

You will learn about employees’ expectations
With the surveys, you will check what your employees need, and you will prepare benefits they expect and that motivate them

You will provide hundreds of offers
The offer of our partners guarantees a wide range of opportunities in the field of non-wage benefits

You will manage budgets
You will define and distribute budgets, and your employees will use the allocated funds for non-wage benefits in any way

You will control the use of benefits
Thanks to the modularity of the benefit platform, you can monitor the use of employee benefits on an ongoing basis

Worksmile Cafeteria - non-wage benefits at your fingertips
When preparing the offer of benefits available in our Cafeteria, we analyse the needs of employees, adding products that your employees expect and are looking for to the catalogue. Life insurance, medical care, discount coupons, movie tickets … and hundreds of other benefits that make you happy!
It does not matter if you have one office, many branches and a dispersed structure. The catalogue of benefits at the Worksmile Cafeteria is built so that everyone can use it, regardless of where they are and at any time.
List of functionalities

The use of the catalogue of benefits is simple and intuitive, e.g. thanks to a functional search engine or the introduction of the division of benefits into categories.

Known brands
Your employees get access to hundreds of products from top brands such as Zalando, H&M, Ikea, Allegro, Douglas and many more...

Transparent access to benefits
The catalogue of offers will clearly present your employees the subscription and occasional benefits you have provided.

Online applications
Thanks to intuitive online forms, your employees will apply for their benefits and non-wage benefits.

Account balance
Your employees always have access to the current status of awarded points, broken down into budgets.

Clear funding rules
Your employees will have access to the rules of using individual benefits on an ongoing basis, and information on how to finance them, e.g. budget for benefits from the CSBF, subsidy from the employer or the employee's own funds.
Worksmile cafeteria system - manage benefits in one place
With the Worksmile Cafeteria, you can share all the employee benefits offered in one place with your employees – you can set and distribute the available budgets, examine employee expectations through a survey function, and control the use of benefits.
Access to the Worksmile product catalogue gives you and your employees full control over non-wage benefits. You decide what benefits are available, and the employees will decide what to spend their funds on.
What are the benefits of the Worksmile benefit platform for my company?
The Worksmile benefit platform is a modular solution that in addition to the catalogue of offers provides you with comprehensive functionalities to effectively increase employee engagement and motivation – Kudos, Challenges, as well as conduct effective and transparent internal company communication – Groups, Surveys.
What our clients think?

Worksmile helps to achieve our goals by giving employees an impulse to be active and compete healthy. It engages to action and creates communities.
Jacek Mikiewicz – Strategy and Marketing Director, W.P.I.P.

Why us?
Attract the best talents to the company
The multifunctionality of our benefit platform, the climate that it builds in the company, and a very large number of benefits for employees will allow standing out from the competition and keeping the best candidates for longer.
Benefits for employees in one place
Combine non-wage benefits with challenges and gamification, easily manage everything in one administration panel.
Improve the company's quality of communication
The Worksmile benefit platform was created with a healthy organizational culture, effective cooperation and communication in mind.
Connection with existing solutions
The Worksmile benefits cafeteria is an API-based solution, thanks to which it can be connected to other solutions used inside the company and with external applications.
