Company events
A simple and effective method to organize corporate meetings.
Wondering how to motivate employees through meetings, trainings and trips?
With the Worksmile benefit platform you can create events adapted to your company
Visible to all users and anyone can join them.
Visible only to people who have been invited.
Dedicated to thematic groups to which your employees belong
For example, related to a specific department - integration events, training for the sales department, or whatever you want.
Communicate organized company events
The Worksmile benefit platform is a modular solution that gives you the possibility to conduct internal communication in the company in the field of information about organized company events.
Worksmile allows providing information about organized company events easily and quickly. Using an intuitive system, you can create a corporate event and invite interested people in just a few steps. Transfer your communication to Worksmile and improve it in your company.
List of functionalities
Communication about events
You can easily pass information about a planned company event.
The Worksmile benefit platform allows inviting selected employees and teams or an entire corporate community to the event.
Be up to date
With the social networking function, your employees can discuss and exchange information about upcoming events
Adding events
Your employees will also be able to create events - public or group. We support internal team integration.
Archive of events
With the Worksmile benefit platform, you also have an archive of public events that new employees can see.
After an event is over, create satisfaction surveys and add photo galleries for internal Employer Branding.
Conduct company communication in a fast and transparent manner
The speed and ease of information flow is of key importance not only in communication with customers, but also in communication within the company. Using the Worksmile benefit platform, your employees will not waste valuable time on finding important information about their non-wage benefits or company events that are just being organized.
When internal communication in the company is conducted through the Worksmile cafeteria, you can effectively reach employees and increase their interest in organized company events.
By creating company events on the Worksmile benefit platform, you have the opportunity to provide participants with all the necessary information, such as the agenda or location. Additionally, you can create a discussion about an event. You will receive real-time information about who is interested. After the company event is over, you can summarize it and add a photo gallery. You can also send a satisfaction survey to participants in a given event.
What corporate events can you create?
There are no limits. At Worksmile you can organize, among others:
- health day,
- integration meeting,
- volunteering campaign,
- internal training with limited places.
Name the event: Weekly massage in the company
Set the event format: Public event
Set a limit of places: 20 people
Show location on map: Room “X” in the office
Summarize the corporate event: Add photos to the gallery, add a satisfaction survey, thank the participants for participating in the event.
What our clients think?
Worksmile helps to achieve our goals by giving employees an impulse to be active and compete healthy. It engages to action and creates communities.
Jacek Mikiewicz – Strategy and Marketing Director, W.P.I.P.
Why us?
Attract the best talents to the company
The multifunctionality of our benefit platform, the climate that it builds in the company, and a very large number of benefits for employees will allow standing out from the competition and keeping the best candidates for longer.
Benefits for employees in one place
Combine non-wage benefits with challenges and gamification, easily manage everything in one administration panel.
Improve the company's quality of communication
The Worksmile benefit platform was created with a healthy organizational culture, effective cooperation and communication in mind.
Connection with existing solutions
The Worksmile benefits cafeteria is an API-based solution, thanks to which it can be connected to other solutions used inside the company and with external applications.