Case Study
How we helped E.ON group to automate benefit management:
E.ON Polska and Worksmile

“Right now we have over 97% of logged-in users on the Worksmile platform. Our employees use it eagerly.”
E.ON Polska S.A.
It’s a company in the energy industry, employing over 1500 workers.
In Poland it operates primarily in Warsaw, servicing over a million customers. It offers a wide range of modern products and services. The E.ON group also supports renewable energy development.
Information about benefits:
- private healthcare,
- Multisport card;
- self-arranged holiday subsidiary,
- training courses,
- life insurance;
- lunch card.

About our shared experience and advantages from implementing the Worksmile platform we spoke with Ewa Kuczyńska-Witek.
What benefits did you notice for the entire company, the HR department and the employees themselves after implementing Worksmile’s Perks&Benefits Marketplace?

For the company the biggest benefit is definitely how simplified order management became, along with flexibility and the ability to further develop this tool. We also appreciate access to order reports and efficient use of the ZFŚS funds. Eliminating paper documents is also a great change – it saves money and the environment. For employees, the biggest benefits are surely the freedom of choice and a wide selection of benefits, easy management and order execution and 24/7 availability (no need for a work e-mail).
Ewa Kuczyńska-Witek
Expectations, set goals, results
Why did the E.ON group decide to implement Worksmile’s Perks&Benefits Marketplace?
As a company which employs over 1500 people, we were primarily focused on organising and improving benefit managing and ordering processes. Our main goal was to find an adequate tool which would support the work of administrators and save their time, while simultaneously offering independence and freedom of choice to our employees. I’m mainly talking about ordering and signing out of non-wage benefits, such as sports cards or insurance bundles.
Moreover, we also wanted to implement a modern solution in our company and the Perks&Benefits Marketplace is exactly what we were looking for. It offers a wide range of products and services which are then shared with employees who pick and choose benefits according to their personal preferences or current needs.
Another important matter for us was the implementation and continued service of such tool by the provider. Worksmiled provided us with a dedicated Account Manager and an IT team which fostered the entire implementation process and is currently still offering us their help in other matters.
What benefits/results did the company expect?
Our expectations were clear from day one. I’d like to mention only the most important ones:
an easy-to-use tool for comprehensive management of company benefits
customisable and further enhanceable with other features (e.g. connection to other HR and payroll systems)
eliminating paper documents from HR processes
continued support from the tool provider, even after the implementation is finished
decreased number of errors during servicing benefits and shorter time spent on employee support
increased range of offered benefits and fostering an image of a desirable employer (support in employer-branding actions);
Have you fulfilled your goal and in what scope?
Yes, we have managed to fulfil our goals. Quite quickly after the testing and implementation phases, we’ve noticed:
- decreased time needed for servicing benefits;
- decreased number of errors in benefit payments.
I’m also very happy to report that we’ve completely eliminated paper documents which significantly reduced the amount of wasted paper at our company. These are quantifiable savings, not only in terms of company costs but also in regards to the environment.

Implementation, integration, UX
How did you integrate the Perks&Benefits Marketplace with the SAP HR and payroll system?
We’re also very pleased in that regard. Currently, both systems are connected and cooperate quite satisfactorily. Integrating the Worksmile platform with the HR and payroll system (the E.ON group uses SAP HR) has completely automated the process of benefit accounting.
Additionally, the platform features requests for self-arranged holiday subsidiaries, which are also connected to the SAP system. In this case, we’re surely saving time on processing employee matters.

Is the Perks&Benefits Marketplace easy to use?
I admit that the Perks&Benefits Marketplace is very intuitive and simple to use. We’re doing really well both in terms of Admin management and utilising the opportunities of the Perks&Benefits Marketplace by the employees.
From my point of view, it’s an incredibly useful tool, especially with its Reports feature.
What do you think of our cooperation and the implementation of the Worksmile platform?
Cooperating with the Worksmile team was impeccable from start to finish. We've received the necessary support and help every step of the way – and we needed quite a bit! It's been a year since we started using your platform to administer our employee benefits. We've gained valuable experience and knowledge but sometimes we still require support from our dedicated Account Manager. Thankfully, we can always count on a timely helping hand.
Ewa Kuczyńska-Witek

Employee reactions
How did the employees react to Worksmile’s Perks&Benefits Marketplace?
First, I’d like to highlight that our company features a group of employees without work e-mails. We were worried that our Project Team won’t be willing to use their personal e-mails for logging into the platform. Their supervisors shared this fear. Fortunately, this worry was unfounded.

Right now we have over 97% of logged-in users on the Worksmile platform. Our employees use it eagerly.
When it comes to employees, most of them have only positive experiences and voice very flattering opinions. Their only request seems to be a need for an ever wider range of benefits in the Perks&Benefits Marketplace financed from the ZFŚS fund. We’re planning to launch a user satisfaction survey. I promise to share its results and additional information.
How has the employee situation changed after implementing Worksmile’s Perks&Benefits Marketplace?
After implementing the platform employees gained access to a wider range of available benefits. Processing the orders became much easier. It no longer requires waiting for an HR employee to show up - all process are automated on the platform.
Ewa Kuczyńska-Witek

Benefits for the company and its employees
What are the main benefits for the company and your employees from implementing Worksmile’s Perks&Benefits Marketplace?
As some time has passed, I can confidently say that as a company we’ve definitely gained quite a lot:

easier management of benefit orders,
a flexible tool which can be customised to meet our needs and connect with internal solutions or other systems (such as personalised requests integrated with an HR and payroll system),
decreased number of accounting errors in regards to benefits,
access to various reports and data (e.g. order report),
efficient use of the ZFŚS fund.
When it comes to employee-specific benefits, we can speak of the following:
freedom to choose from a wide range of benefits,
a 24/7 access to the Perks&Benefits Marketplace (without a work e-mail),
fully digital document workflow (convenient and eco-friendly),
faster execution of orders and shorter waiting time.

Has implementing Worksmile’s Perks&Benefits Marketplace influenced employee engagement, motivation and employer branding tasks?
Unfortunately, we’re yet unable to support our opinion with the results of an employee satisfaction survey but we’re hearing mostly positives. And that’s a joy to see! Possessing a platform for employee benefits is considered an advantage on the current market and fosters an image of a competitive and desirable employer. Most big companies use cafeteria-style systems and it definitely helps to create a positive employer brand. I’d like to once again mention the successful integration of Worksmile with our HR and payroll system. It allowed us to fully automate the benefit accounting process, which resulted in decreased servicing time and limited number of errors.
And how does the Worksmile platform help you in benefit management, accounting and using the ZFŚS fund?
I’d like to once again mention the successful integration of Worksmile with our HR and payroll system. It allowed us to fully automate the benefit accounting process, which resulted in decreased servicing time and limited number of errors.
Ewa Kuczyńska-Witek

Possessing a platform for employee benefits is considered an advantage on the current market and fosters an image of a competitive and desirable employer.

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